Aug 3Liked by Michelle Corbesier

Thanks so much Michelle for shining your brilliant heart & mind! I absolutely love this golden treasure: “A good monarch doesn’t force any actions and doesn’t need to be the hero all the time. There’s nothing wrong with being the poised king of your own little kingdom, no matter how small it is. Stake your claim and don't sweat the rest.” I think I need to frame this somewhere! And that collage is just so gorgeous!

Regal blessings to you and all your readers!! xx

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Thank you so much, Rawia, I'm glad you liked it. I was reading through some Lao Tzu quotes and I think that's where my inspiration for this article came from.

Here's one I really like, by the way: "The Master acts without doing, and teaches without saying. Things arise and she lets them come; things disappear and she lets them go. She has but doesn’t possess, acts but doesn’t expect. When her work is done, she forgets it. That is why it lasts forever."

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Aug 3Liked by Michelle Corbesier

Love the imagery and the image of Hermes , all laid back in his retrograde while father time starts to get up. Venus, with her beautiful artesian luggage is stifled to see a messy house with Hermes posing in his chariot. She will find , with a critical eye, a reason to organize her sleeping quarters.She lends a moment of analyzing how best to share space with Hermes. His chariot, though beautiful and full of ideas, maps, gadgets and critical talking points , still feels the reign of Leo where he was full of action and drive. How will they cohabitate and how does this speak to areas of our lives; we the mere mortals in the chaos of llife.

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Beautifully said, Dede. Thank you. I can see the maps and all the gadgets... hahaha! I'm crossing my fingers for Aphrodite who will have to endure the square from Mars and opposition from Saturn. I love how you focus the attention to her critical eye in Virgo that will help her find order in the chaos.

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Aug 4Liked by Michelle Corbesier

The mini pharmacy, lol.

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Haha :) Glad you enjoyed that. Thank you for reading, John!

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Aug 4Liked by Michelle Corbesier

Thank you Michelle 🙏✨🌌

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Have a lovely leonine New Moon, Lea!

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Aug 4Liked by Michelle Corbesier

You too 🥰

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Aug 4Liked by Michelle Corbesier

Beautifully written, as always

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Dank je wel, Noortje. Blij dat je het tof vond!

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Aug 4Liked by Michelle Corbesier

Wow! What a brilliant quote! I love it, Michelle!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Reading it makes makes my heart feel so light and expansive 😍

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